Why King Serioso?

Serioso Ltd is a clothing brand created and established in Birmingham UK 2022.

Where did you get Serioso?

Well, Joking around as you do in university - of course. My friends and i were conversing around the fact the latest assignment was no easy task. In fact it was a serious piece of work. I took a step back to read the module guide and the word serious just did not quite emphasize this piece of work! A split second later, "Nah man, this work is so serious, it's Serioso!" thus Serioso was born and in a nutshell, fast forward King Serioso.

King Serioso aim to inspire individuals from various walks of life. To help provide purpose and support from a brand made by people for the people.

Our garments are made using high-quality fabrics. Whilst maintaining comfortability and functionality. They make you look Serioso too!